Neural Foraminal Stenosis

Today I went to see my pain management doctor. My PT thought I had spinal stenosis. I looked it up on the internet because I am an anal internet searcher. I thought the symptoms I had matched that diagnosis. I saw the PA before my doc came in/ The PA thinks I have Neural Foraminal Stenosis. I had never heard of that before but I have been reading about it today. It is a type of stenosis but it doesn't seem to happen in the spinal canal. I am going to get a shot in the sacrospinal ligament in two weeks! That is exactly where my pain originates so I hope it tales away some of the major pain! Neural foraminal stenosis refers to compression of a spinal nerve as it leaves the spinal canal through the foramen (the opening between the vertebrae through which spinal nerve roots travel and exit to other parts of the body). Neural foraminal stenosis...