Sweet Story about Amy, and Spinal Stenosis

        I had my primary care doctor fax my medical records to the neurosurgeon.  Now I have to wait to see if he will consider me for a patient!  I hope they schedule me in the next few months.  The more I read about spinal stenosis, the more I am convinced that I have it. I have all of the symptoms

In the lower back (lumbar spine)

  • Numbness or tingling in a foot or leg
  • Weakness in a foot or leg
  • Pain or cramping in one or both legs when you stand for long periods of time or when you walk, which usually eases when you bend forward or sit
  • Back pain
        This morning I went to Drumming Class. Everyone in the class is so nice!! My left leg was killing me from what I thought is sciatica. Now I think is spinal stenosis.  I am sure that doctors hate internet searches but I am the type of person who needs to know!  I enjoyed the drumming class.  The woman next to me was someone I sort of remembered from the swim club I belonged to years ago when Joe and Amy were little.  She also happened to be the sister of a former employee of Dan's.  She told me that she remembered Amy.  Her son and Amy graduated the same year from high school.  She told me that her son Corey had invited Amy to his birthday party and Amy didn't want to go.  She said Amy was crying but I made her go to the party and she had a great time!! I loved hearing her say Amy's name and hearing it gently and lyrically roll off of her tongue as she said it without hesitation.  I don't think the story is correct. I had NEVER known Amy to pass up a birthday party as a kid or a teenager!  I think she thinks that Amy went to elementary school with her son but she didn't, she went to a Catholic elementary school until 4th grade. I still loved hearing the cute story but it must have been a different girl!

         Dan went with me to the pot store!  I am almost out of my medical marijuana drops.  I need them to sleep at night or I toss and turn and get very little sleep. Dan had to wait outside because of  new state regulations! After I shopped at that store, we decided to eat at a Chinese restaurant we had eaten at before. It was really good! We both had Wonton soup  I had chicken and shrimp with vegetables, and Dan had sweet and sour shrimp..

The dinner was delicious!! Later when we got home, Olivia asked Dan to take her to Ulta, a huge make-up store. She needed foundation because she ran out. Dan came home and told me that she only got four items.......to the tune of $150!  I asked her why she didn't pay and she said......wwwhhhaaattt?????? me pay?????? Olivia spends all of her tip money and banks her paycheck but she only works part-time.  Today I was a little early when I went to pick up Olivia at Cosmetology School.  I went downstairs to use the restroom and I could hear all of the girls chatting and laughing together. I could hear Olivia's voice blending in with the other happy voices. The chatting and giggling was quite lyrical. It was pleasant to listen to. This is definitely the place for her!
          Olivia's boyfriend Frankie's family is living my dream!! They bought a fixer upper and are completely renovating it!! That is what I want to do. They totally made the living room and kitchen open concept!! Of course, they have the talent to do it themselves, I would have to hire someone but I am more than willing to do it!
12 days and NO WALKER!!!!!!!!!


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