PD and Corona

     My PD is going crazy!! It is probably from the stress of watching TV and being obsessed with  the Coronavirus!  I finally put on reruns of the Dr. Phil show!   I still remember some of the old episodes.  I also am writing a novel. I am almost finished! If anyone wants to read it, it is titled Genetica and it is on WATTPAD.com  It definitely has kept me busy. I write for a few hours everyday.  I have had good feedback so if you need something to do, give it a try!
         I had trouble again sleeping last night! I slept from 11 pm to 1 am and then I was wide awake until I finally fell asleep about 4 a m. I slept until 9:30! I would like to check in with my neurologist but his office message says to leave a message. I don't want to leave a message, I just want to ask  him if I can increase my Carbidopa- Levodopa. Right now I take 1.5 (25-100) tablets three times per day.  I wonder what dosage others with PD take. I was diagnosed in Jan 2019 and I was prescribed 1 pill three time daily. It wasn't enough!  My doc increased it to 1.5 and it seemed to work perfectly until recently.   I wonder if most people get their dosage increased when they are still in the early stages of PD. And I also wonder what the maximum dose of Carbidopa is. My current dose  would  continue to work fine if I slept through the night.  My problem is that I have to keep getting up to go to the  bathroom and my balance is wacked out!! I use my walker but I still have so much trouble moving forward and then getting back into bed!   I just stand there for several minutes and then I try to move forward with my walker! Then I get to the bathroom and head back to bed. Last night I slipped down the side of the bed!  It was  comical because I had to throw my body up onto my bed and then grab onto my covers and pull myself up by holding onto the headboard! I did laugh to myself! I think that the laughter helps me accept my PD for what it is!


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