Today I am feeling better. My pain level has decreased. Now I am worried about the coronavirus.  We are going to Universal Studios today.  I am worried about the train. I have several packs of plastic gloves and I am going to wear them. I also have microbial soap and lots of hand sanitizer.  The girls think I am stupid to be taking plastic gloves to wear, I think it is better to be as safe as possible.  ANd easy for them to not be worried, they are both young and healthy! I found the info below online.  ANd it scares me!!  Try to stay healthy everyone!!

Overall, the data coming out of China suggest that older people and people with underlying health conditions "were about twice as likely to develop serious outcomes [of COVID-19] versus otherwise younger, healthier people," said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC.
Schaffner and Osterholm said data from China shows that elderly people and those with underlying health issues are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and of dying from the novel coronavirus. Younger and healthier people often get only mild to moderate symptoms, or sometimes no symptoms at all.

Dr. William Schaffner, a Vanderbilt University professor and longtime adviser to the CDC, said these two groups should consider avoiding activities such as traveling by airplane, going to movie theaters, attending family events, shopping at crowded malls, and going to religious services.
People in these two groups "should strongly consider not doing these activities at this juncture," Schaffner said.
"This ought to be top of mind for people over 60, and those with underlying health problems, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes, or compromised immune systems," Schaffner added. "The single most important thing you can do to avoid the virus is reduce your face to face


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