
         I know it is important to exercise if you have Parkinson's Disease.  Before I even knew I had Parkinson's, I use to go to the gym 3 times per week and walk on the Treadmill or ride the exercise bikes. When I developed Sciatica, I thought I had pulled a muscle and stopped going., I thought I would feel better in a few days or a week. The pain was so significant that I had to stop going to the gym(that was in April 2018).  Any type of exercise that I did, even PT, only exacerbated my pain. I was diagnosed with PD in Nov of 2018 even though I am certain that I had it many months before my diagnosis. I just attributed all of my issues to Sciatica!

        I had planned to get more PT because I knew I would exercise if I did, I am definitely a rules follower! If the PT tells me to do the exercises everyday, I would definitely do them.  My Sciatica is so awful, the pain is just tearing through my hip and down my leg my foot on the left side. I am afraid to start PT and make it even worse.  I spent most of the day on the couch.  What a waste of time!! I think I shouldn't even consider PT until my Sciatica calms down.  I AM SO DISAPPOINTED!!
       Today my PD went sort of crazy. I felt like I did long before I got diagnosed and took Carbidopa-Levodopa.  I hope this is a one day fluke and tomorrow that I will be back to my new normal.  I sort of fell into the furniture when I tried to sit down. My balance was so off, I felt like I was drunk(and I don't drink!!) I really had very little control over my body.  I felt like I had to throw my body where I wanted it to go.  It was just plain DEAD WEIGHT!  I had to lift up my legs when I wanted to lie down on the couch and they kept falling off of the couch.  I was afraid to bend over to pick anything up because I thought I would fall right onto the floor.  I had to keep switching positions because the Sciatica pain was so bad. 
 I always write my blog a day before I post it.  The part below is from today!

        Last night I woke up almost every hour or so, my leg was throbbing and I had insomnia.  I think I slept about a total of two hours and I am so tired now. I don't want to nap because it will just prolong the cycle of sleeping in snatches. Again today, I feel like I am just throwing my body where I want to go. I had to use my shower chair again, my leg hurt so badly that I couldn't stand on it.  I had planned to go to the gym and just walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes and then build up everyday. However, with my Sciatica pain, this will be another day on the couch.

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  1. i do believe all illnesses hv its cure

    if i say there is a better option to the modern meds, would u like to try it?
    i just want to share with you on how to help treating a Parkinson's or ET patient the alternative way

    we have been using a Therapy Hormone Cream to stabilize back body's hormone.

    yes, this is approved by the fda and its not to be taken orally, only to be applied on the specified nerval points only
    it helps to relax the muscles

    feel free to ask me




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