Went for Third Laser Treatment Today

        Today I had our monthly bereaved mom meeting in the morning.  A new mom came, she was so lovely.  She is in her late eighties and lost her 63 year old son to stomach cancer a year ago.  She was all dressed up and was so sweet and so nice.  She was supposed to come last month and never showed up so I assumed she wasn't interested but  she did come today.  We are going to do our annual candle lighting at the Dec. meeting. 
       After the meeting I headed to the PT to get a laser treatment. My sciatica is a bit better but I am still in severe pain.  Any degree of relief is helpful!! My girlfriend's BIL owns the laser company that the PT purchased her laser machine from. As she was doing the laser treatment, we chatted.  She told me about a patient that she had worked with for over a year and he had no relief. He had back surgeries and fusions. He lived in pain, barely slept and couldn't stand at all.They tried everything for him, PT, Acupuncture, massage. etc.  Then she heard about the laser machines and purchased one. They are about $ 50,000.  She received training and the doc who trained her worked on the patient who lived in severe pain.  After a few sessions he told her that he had an hour of no pain which was HUGE for him. After a few more treatments, he was able to sleep during the night, before he had woken up every half hour due to the pain. Now he comes once a week for management of his pain but basically he now lives almost pain-free!!  I am hoping the laser works for me as well!  They think I need about 15 treatments, they are NOT cheap! The cost is normally $60 per half hour but they discount to $50 if you pay in advance, I am going to pay as I go because I don't know if this is going to work for me. After the 15 treatments, I am supposed to go t least once a month for maintenance!

      After the treatment, I was able to go food shopping. I was only going to get a few things but I wound up with a full cart!  Then I stopped at Walgreens because all of their facial care items were buy 2, get 1 free.  I purchased 6 No. 7 serums.  They are expensive so getting 2 free is a big deal! Then I came home and unloaded my items,  and Dan and I put them away!


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