Unfortunately, my SCIATICA PAIN is BACK in Full FORCE!!

        I really had thought that my Sciatica pain was waning. But I now know that the pain was waning a bit because I had been taking Tylenol all day due to a severe headache! The headache is gone but the Sciatica pain is here! I was so hoping that I was on a tract to pain reduction. My Parkinson's is just  acting weird, that is the only word I can think of to describe it.    I am having so much trouble getting up from the couch, even when my meds are in my system and being taken at the correct times.   I actually have to bounce up and down a few times and then grab onto the coffee table to get up from the couch. I guess these means that my disease is progressing. I don't know why I am surprised, it is a progressive movement disorder disease.  I am not really shuffling because I need to use my walker or hold onto something when I am walking.
        Yesterday we went to see Frozen II for my birthday celebration. The movie was cute but I fell asleep during  part of it. I never use to be able to fall asleep sitting up, I never knew how anyone could do that. Now, especially when I am tired, I fall asleep sitting up.  After the movie, we came back to our house and had take out and played board games.  Renee gave me a few new board games for my birthday gift! We had fun playing one of them. It was sort of a mini version of Pictionary. I gave Renee one of the Amaryllis bulbs that I am so obsessed with! Adam said he doesn't understand how they grow without water, I don't get it either, but who cares how they grow if they grow!! 

         Today I have another laser treatment!! Maybe they can turn up the machine or something! I am willing to try ANYTHING to have pain reduction.


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