Slip Sliding Away!!

       Yesterday Dan and I went to pick up Olya.  She went home to her boyfriend's house because he went home for the weekend to celebrate his father's birthday.  Our ride was almost two hours to pick her up.  Olya came home to go to a scary Halloween event with Dan, Olivia and Frankie.  I will be home because that is NOT my thing at all!!Olya's  boyfriend Matt has the nicest parents!! I just love them, they are so nice and they treat Olya so well.  She is so comfortable around them and I really appreciate that.  I think it is always better to have more people in your life who care about you. I have no idea what Olya and Matt's future will be,  either together or apart,  but I am so happy that they are in her life now.  Olya is actually rooming with a girl she met from Matt that he went to high school with!   Her roommate is so sweet, she is such a lovely young woman! Dan and I have to pay for the second half of Junior year and then Senior year and then we are FINALLY done paying tuition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We stopped at Golden Corral on the way home. I didn't want to eat there because then I eat all of the buffet bar crap food and  then I eat dessert too!! But Olya really wanted to eat there so that is where we went(and yes, I ate fried shrimp, fries, and ice cream!!)
        Olivia has a new job at a blow dry bar!! She has her own chair!! She was getting tired of being an assistant. She worked yesterday for a full day and seemed to really like it! She made a lot of money in tips compared to what she was making as an assistant at the other salon! They booked her for an hour and fifteen minutes per client but she finished in the "45 minute" goal that was set for her to eventually get to. I think her new boss is loving her!  Olivia said that her clients all seemed very pleased with her work! 

       I had been sort of OK physically most of the day!! I am fine driving or riding in the car because there is little movement involved!! I spent most of the day cleaning and then I started to wrap Christmas gifts. I know...I AM ANAL!!!  When I was a kid, my mother did everything last minute and there was always chaos involved because of it.  So I think that is why I slid 180 degrees away from that! My bed is sort of high. I have to kind of jump onto it.  Sometimes I have to make more than one attempt!! Last night I kept waking up and had to go to the bathroom. I argue with that fact and just stay in bed for awhile because I KNOW that it is difficult to get up and I will be sliding onto the floor!!  When I first wake up it is difficult to move in any direction.  I know that it had been several hours since I had taken a Carbidopa-Levodopa and I know that my movements will not cooperate with my brain!  Eventually I have to get up and it  is such a process.  I should film myself but I would be too embarrassed to ever let anyone see the video! Why don't we appreciate plain old good health when we have it??  I finally get up into a sitting position at the edge of me bed. Then I try to get up but I usually slide down the side of the bed to the floor!! It is so annoying because it always takes me several minutes to get up and be able to walk. I always have my walker next to  my bed but I just don't want to use it. I look at it and think, gee, why don't I use my walker? But I never do that.  I think I need a bed rail and eventually a motorized bed!

        I have always had long and strong fingernails. I don't know if it is a Parkinson's thing or maybe my meds but my fingernails have become so brittle and they break all of the time! I read a few articles about brittle nails and Parkinson's but there is no definitive answer.  Some researchers believe that brittle nails are common in older people and others think if your nails are brittle and not growing well that there is a connection to an unhealthy liver!


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