Sleeping Difficulty

        Lately I have had so much trouble sleeping at night!
It is aggravating because then I feel so tired throughout the day! I fall asleep for a few hours and then I am wide awake for a few hours. I stay in bed because I keep hoping that I will fall back to sleep. I seem to always wake up around 3 a m.  Eventually I watch TV and watch old Law and Order SVU  shows or old Dr Phil shows!  Then I fall back to sleep for an hour or so at 8 am and then when I get up I feel so sleepy! 
 I tried medical marijuana but the same thing happens. I have also tried Melatonin. I try NOT to fall asleep during the day but eventually I get so tired that it just happens, even if I am just sitting on the couch reading or watching TV! It seems like I am in a vicious cycle that I can't break out of!
       This morning Dan and I went to the cemetery to visit Amy and my dad.  We stopped at the dollar store to get a birthday balloon for my dad because tomorrow is his birthday!  The dollar store said that there is a shortage of Helium and they didn't have any, I'll try another store tomorrow. My dad would be 93 and I miss him as much today as I did the day he died.
        My Sciatica has kicked into overdrive today. I don't know why.  It was raining this morning, maybe that has something to do with it! I want to clean but the pain is too bad today.  I ordered Christmas gifts and have been wrapping them, I hate to shop especially when the stores are busy during the holiday season! I usually wrap plastic or paper rats but wrapping has become so difficult for me that I am giving up the rats!! I think that I will mostly give out money this year to the girls and to Renee and Adam.  They are putting an addition on their house! I can't wait to get back to my pain management doc in three weeks. I want to ask her to put me on a low dose steroid because that is the ONLY thing that had decreased my sciatica pain when a podiatrist put me on it for my broken foot! I know that is is bad to be on steroids too long but NOTHING can be as bad as this constant pain.
       Olya was home this weekend! Dan left to drive her back to her boyfriend's because then they will ride back to college together!  I miss Olya, she is always sweet and pleasant!


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