A Bright Spot in my Sick Day

        Last evening I became so nauseous! I didn't feel great all day long but in the evening I had to bow down to the porcelain god and hang in the bathroom!!  I didn't throw up because there really wasn't anything in my stomach! I fell asleep on the bathroom rug for two hours and then felt a bit better when I woke up. I took Prilosec but it only helped a tiny bit!! Again I was awake most of the night. Someone who read my blog said that I should go back to taking the medical marijuana if it helped. That was good advice so I may try it again after I feel better.  I know what I should do but I keep trying to deny that I have PD!! You'd think that my brain would have totally accepted it by now, but apparently I haven't! All day today I just laid on the couch with a blanket because I had the chills, I think I had a fever but I felt too sick to go find a thermometer! Olivia got me a glass of ginger ale and I think it was the best drink I have ever had!!

       My sister-in-law Pennie sent me this game Pick Two in the mail. I love to get packages!  It really was a bright spot in my dreary day! I LOVE word games.  I am addicted to "words with friends" on Facebook!  Pennie is so sweet and she also loves board games.  She is the person who first introduced me to my favorite board game Scattergories!!!  I had lent the game to Renee years ago and one of her roommates lost it.  My best friend Priscilla found it for me at a thrift shop!! Now I just have to find people who want to play Pick Two with me!  I can't wait to play. My birthday is next month and I think this game will be the activity for my birthday with pizza and cake! Pennie said she and her fiends get together once a month to play board games. I love that idea so I may try to organize something like that! I feel so grateful to have Pennie as a relative!
       I am feeling a tiny bit better this evening. Maybe it was just a 24 hour bug!  My Parkinson's really didn't bother me too much today. I guess I don't move around much when I am just lying on the couch so my movement disorder was not that noticeable today! I took less of the carbidopa-levodopa because I was afraid it would make my upset stomach even worse.  It always looks good on the scale when I have a stomach bug! Back to the couch for now! Hoping tomorrow is a better day!


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