DROPPING THINGS and Parkinson's
I am still trying to get use to this brand new world of Parkinson's. A really annoying part of Parkinson's is that I keep dropping things. They literally fall out of my hands and I don't know it is going to happen until it does! I watch it happening and can do nothing to stop it! It is like watching a reality show. I NEVER know when it is going to strike! It can happen many times a day or not happen for a few days. It does seem to be happening more frequently than before. I can be folding wash and the items just slide to the floor, I can be getting a drink of water and the cup falls to the floor. Fortunately I only drink water so when it happens I just have to clean it up. I have dropped bowls and dishes and cups. I try to only use plastic cups and paper plates because I don't want to break things. I always drop my pills no matter how I try to pick them up and hold them. I drop hangers, clothes, food, cups, toothbrushes, etc. If I really concentrate and think about it, I sometimes can stop myself from dropping things if I really focus and move slowly! Yesterday I stopped into CVS Pharmacy and picked up a few things because I had to pick up my Carbidopa Levodopa. I didn't take my walker in because I had a shopping cart to lean on. I think most of the cashiers know me and know I have movement issues. I started to empty my cart and I dropped the two bags of Halloween Candy. A man who was a few people behind me in line came over and helped me pick it up! Then I gave the cashier my key chain because it had my CVS card on it. I dropped it and then picked it up, gave it to the cashier and then the cashier handed it back to me. My hand just didn't catch it right and it slid to the floor. By this time I am mortified and just want to finish and get out of the store! The cashier gently handed me my two bags and I sort of slid them from the counter into my cart! I was just so happy to finish checking out. The people behind me, except for the man who helped me, seemed quite annoyed. Maybe they thought I was drunk or high, I don't know. People are much more thoughtful and kind if I have my walker with me. I guess because then they know I have some type of medical issue.
I ran out of my Gabapentin pills which don't really help me much, they just take the edge off. But having such terrible and painful sciatica means I need the edge taken off! I really wish I could take Motrin or Aleve but I can only take Tylenol once in awhile due to me being prone to get pancreatitis. I asked the pharmacy to call my pain doc and they said they called twice and the doc's office hadn't called back. I stopped using the medical marijuana at night because I wanted to see if I could sleep without it. I don't really want to be dependent on it. I called the doc's office today and left a message, I sure hope they call me back or I will be using my med marijuana the rest of the day!
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