Parkinson's and Sciatica turned out to be rotten CAMPERS!

       My husband Dan always camps with his brother Larry and his wife Pennie.  Olya went for the week and Olivia, Frankie and I met up with them on Thursday.  Pennie and Larry's daughter Krista and family came for the weekend.  I told Sciatica and Parkinson's that there wasn't room in the car for them  but they squeezed in somewhere any way!   I had packed my suitcase the week before and Dan ad put it in the car for me so I only needed to gather a few things.   We packed up the car and I only shuffled a few times.  But Sciatica was front and center the entire time!  I took two Tylenol to dull the pain a bit. Sometimes the top of my foot gets numb, I think  that is from the spinal stenosis but it could be from Parkinson's or from both.  The top of my left foot stayed numb most of the trip but the bottom of my foot was fine. It is just annoying to drive with the tingling in my foot!  I don't want to stay home and let Parkinson's and Sciatica win!

        Dan had a full day planned for us. All I really wanted to do was lay down in the camper because Parkinson's really tired me out!  Dan had to help me get in and out of the car and the camper. I could NOT hoist myself up.  He had to pull me out of the car and push me up into the camper!
         The campground was really nice!  I was so glad that I went even though I had really bad Sciatica.  Olya's boyfriend Matt had come the day before and he stayed until late in the evening on the day we arrived! The six of us went to a Fair in the town that was close to the campsite.  We all LOVED the Fair.  It was a 4H Fair and there were tons of livestock.  Olivia, Olya, Matt, and Frank really enjoyed the animals.  Most of the animals were really friendly.  A cow stuck out it's tongue and wrapped it around Frankie's hand!  The goats tried to eat Olivia's and Frankie's shirts.  We also stopped at a GOODWILL store and Olivia got a board game for us to play at night!

Olivia and Olya went on one of the carnival rides. I am NOT a fan of carnival rides because they are assembled and disassembled so many times.

  We went to the Fair two days because Dan wanted to see the big cows and we had never gotten to that side of the Fair!
  Each night we played FACT or CRAP!  It was a fun board game and we laughed a lot while playing! Each night we had a bonfire with all he relatives. We had so much fun laughing and talking about our previous camping trips!! It was so much fun but I hated that Dan had to keep helping me get up and down from my chair BUT PARKINSON'S insisted that he help me!  On Sat. we all went to the pool.  I didn't even bring a  bathing suit because the thought of all the effort of putting on a suit was NOT worth it. There were two huge water slides and lots of fountains in the pool!
  Just watching them was fun enough because I felt like I would fall forward several times during the day. My balance can really be off  randomly here and there. 

 I tried to leave Parkinson's and Sciatica at the campsite but once again they got in the car with me!!


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