Online PARKINSON'S Support


          Sometimes we get as much or more support online than in person.  And sometimes we just don't get to see our friends because they live far away or are busy!! And sometimes we have never met our online friends in person due to distance or busy schedules.  I have such wonderful online support from friends. I don't get to see my high school friend Diane much but she is such a supportive friend! The same thing with my friends Debbie and Donna, both live far away from me but they are supportive and caring.  And we have been together in person several times, I have been to both of their homes.  Bereaved parents share a bond that I just can't describe, it isn't something that can be defined with words from a dictionary. And my friend Vicki is always posting kind things online!  Some days when I am really down or in pain, I read their comments and it gives me strength for another day filled with pain.   My friend Sandra, from the United Kingdom, always has something kind to say to me.  My friend Kelly is the reason that I have my two most precious gifts from Ukraine. She encouraged me to not give up on adopting after we had a scam facilitator. Her oldest adopted son just got engaged to a beautiful Ukrainian woman!! I met my bestie Priscilla, another bereaved mom, online and now she and I spend lots of time together. I met a few Parkinson's people online. My friend Kees, the moderator of a Parkinson's support group, lives in Canada! He is always telling me to move there because the healthcare for Parkinson's is so much better and TRUMP isn't there.  I don't know which is more appealing...... no Trump as the leader or better Parkinson's healthcare!!!!  There are so many online support groups for Parkinson's and Sciatica. I belong to many of them becuase i am anala nd need to read and share all of the important info I find!

        Last night I attended a bereaved parents meeting. I hadn't been there for a longtime because I was in pain or away when the meetings were scheduled. I was so happy to see everyone, especially Carol the facilitator.  Everyone kept telling me how good I looked, and that made me wonder how bad I looked before!! I think they said that to be nice and also because I didn't take my walker in.  Since I have a handicap parking placard, I parked right next to the door so I didn't have to take my walker in.  I think when people see someone with a walker they immediately feel bad for them.  Yesterday I was in Acme Market food shopping and there was an elderly couple shopping. The woman had a black rolling walker and her husband was all stooped over.  They were trying to lift gallons of water into their cart.  At least 3 people walked right by them. I offered to help and they told me that they couldn't lift the gallons into their cart. That I could do for them because the shelf was eye level! Thank goodness that it wasn't a bottom level because I would still be there trying to get up! They thanked me and I again saw them at the checkout and I just got in line behind them and helped them lift the items onto the checkout area. Where are people's heads these days??My friend Kees has told me that he feels more for others because he has Parkinson's. It has made him a more caring and generous person. I think that is exactly how bereaved parents feel.  We want to leave the world a better place when we leave for good because no one is getting out of here alive!


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