Pain With A Vengeance


     My foot x-ray didn't show a fracture so my family doc wrote a slip for me to get an MRI of my foot. I HATE those machines. I hope I don't have to go in the entire machine! I get claustrophobia.  Yesterday was the best physical day I have had since April 2018 when I first got sciatica. For some reason unbeknownst to me, my sciatica pain was so much less than it has been. I had a dentist appointment to get my teeth cleaned in the morning and the staff was shocked at how I could walk and was so happy, etc.  After my appointment, I called my sister and asked her if she waned to go shopping with me!  She said to me," your voice is different, you sound joyful!"   I picked her up and we went shopping! I spent about $500.00!  We bought clothes, shoes, baby stuff and more.  I had to buy a new pair of cheap sneakers a size larger because I have so much trouble shoving my swollen foot into my good sneakers. The sales were so good that I bought Christmas presents for the girls and put them away! I could walk around the mall without my walker and I could carry bags!! I forgot how much fun it was to do that! My sister's daughter is being induced as I write this so the baby will be born sometime tonight or early tomorrow morning. She is having a girl! I am so excited! Speaking of babies, my girlfriend Mary's daughter delivered a baby boy today! She sent us a photo, he is adorable!! I was in such a good mood because I started to feel like my old self.  My foot throbbed but that pain was easy to deal with compared to sciatica. One of my blog readers told me that her PT told her that sometimes when you get "new" pain, it masks any other pain.  I didn't care what the reason was, I was just glad to be able to walk without my walker and without so much pain!!

It was a brand new day yesterday! I so hoped it would continue.

    Unfortunately, the pain came back today and came back with a vengeance. And my Parkinson's is going crazy today. It's like my PARKINSON'S is on drugs today(LOL, and it really is!!)I haven't fallen in months but today I fell forward twice and fell to the side once. I had so much trouble getting up and down from the couch again. I have to bounce up and down to get the oomph I need to get up. I was near my couch for the forward falls but I fell into my kitchen counter for the sideways fall! And that hurt, I have a bruise from it.  I don't get what is going on with my body.   I need to use my walker and I can barley move. My foot is still swollen and that hurts too!! I am back to using my walker wherever I go and I can't so much due to the pain.  It is like an egg on top of my foot and hasn't changed at all. I used ice, heat, elevation and rest and still no change.  Today I spoke with my doc and he is concerned that the swelling on my foot isn't going down. My girlfriend Joann told me that maybe I have gout! My doc never mentioned that as a possibility but I will ask him when I go again.

Looking forward to tomorrow to be better than today I hope!!!


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