Great Visit With Neurologist and Double Yikes for BATS IN THE HOUSE!

        Last night I was sitting on the couch finishing my book. My two cats kept going over to our gas insert fireplace and just staring into it. Olivia thought she heard fluttering. Eventually the cats went away and Dan fell asleep on the couch and I started typing my blog.  The cats went back over o the fireplace!  YIKES, THERE WAS A BAT IN IT!!!!  I could sort of see the bat's movement but I thought I was safe because it was in the space between the fireplace door and the glass insert.  I just thought it would fly up the chimney and out!! All of a sudden I saw a small black blob come out of the side of the fireplace. It looked like a huge water bug.  The cats ran after it and then I saw the wings. I SCREAMED at Dan to wake up and I kept yelling about the bat!! It started flying around. Dan went to get a paper bag and two cups and he eventually caught it in the two cups. PHEW, I thought!!  That thing was UGULLYYY!! I put tape all around the outside of the fireplace.

         I still can't believe that fat thing got out of the tiny slit between the glass insert and the fireplace frame!!!  Then our cats kept staring up at the speaker over the couch in the corner.  Dan moved the speaker and didn't see anything but our cat Rosie kept scratching at the wall!! And finally, we saw a bat sitting on top of the black speaker, it sort of blended in!! YIKES AGAIN!!! Dan was lucky that he didn't get bit!  Olivia was in the basement with her three friends. She came upstairs followed by her friends because I was screaming!!!  Her friend Lou came up and caught the bat between two cups. He thought it was fun!!  I would not say FUN, I would say YIKES!!!!!
      This morning I worked with my speech therapist.  I think we are on lesson 9 or 10 and there are only 12 lessons. She said that I have improved!! That is good because I didn't improve at all with PT! After my speech therapy I left to go to my neurologist appointment because I wanted to tell him about how much better my Parkinson's got after my steroid back injection under anesthesia! He didn't think it was anything important. He thinks I was just feeling better because he had increased my meds BUT that was months earlier! I had NO Parkinson's symptoms for 6 days after my steroid injection and anesthesia. I walked perfectly fine, I got up and down perfectly fine and my handwriting was really good for those 6 days!  There is definitely something going on with either the steroid or the anesthesia that works well against Parkinson's. He thought my speaking voice was fine. Once or twice I remembered to speak up and he said "I heard you the first time!!"   He gave me a few physical things to do such as open and close my hands, touch his finger and then touch my nose, get up and down with my arms folded across my chest and shake my hands up and down and twist them! I really like this doc because he is very calm and very nice and very informative!  He wants me to go back to Rock Steady Boxing if I can get my sciatica pain under control! I also had to stand up, close my eyes, balance on one foot , etc. The he grabbed me and I could still balance myself!  I told him that I just started to have trouble with double vision when reading a book or magazine or newspaper.   He thinks that might clear up if I get my cataracts out! I asked  him about Akinetic Parkinson's and he said I definitely had that type. I asked him which type was better(if there was a better or worse) and he said the Akinetic type responds less to treatment and can progress more quickly in the average person but that everyone is different! He watched me walk back and forth and told me that if that had been my first visit that he might not think I had Parkinson's!!!(But of course, he knows I am on the meds now!!)  He thought I was doing really well and told me that I was in Stage 1. The other neurologist I saw last month said I was in Stage 2. So,  who really know???


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