A Fun Day and It Took my Mind Away from My Pain!!!!

         Today I got up early and went to a local flea market with my friend Priscilla.  Neither of us bought much but it loosened up my painful leg and we had fun walking, chatting, and shopping!  I need nothing, I am trying to empty my house!!I think I bought Dallas Cowboy new paper cups. And I got her a new Cowboy's necklace.  Olivia is a Cowboy's fan so we will use the cups on her birthday in July.  The woman I bought them from told me that her ex husband was a Cowboys.fan! She told me that first she got rid of him and now she was getting rid of his stuff!  She had a ton of Cowboy's shirts but I didn't want to buy used clothes for Olivia! 
          I also bought a few packages of new make-up sponges, they were really cheap!  I don't like to buy new shampoo or toothpaste, etc because you never know how old the stuff is!!  I was so excited that I was walking around without my walker!! Priscilla has offered to wheel me around in a transport chair, she is truly a wonderful friend!  When I got home, Dan and I went to the cemetery to visit Amy.  It is always so difficult to walk away from her grave site. 
         Olivia and I went to my friend Jackie's house to visit with her daughter and her grandson Nate. Jackie had enough food to feed the Cowboy's Team! Nate is soooo cute!! It was his birthday, he just turned 1 and we all sang to him.  He didn't know what was going on but he liked it!!
Bonnie is such a good mom, she makes sure he is OK but she lets others hold Nate.  He ADORES his mom but he is OK with others when she leaves the room. He let Olivia hold him for awhile and then he was tired and took a nap.  Olya came after work at 2 and she got to hold Nate.  For some reason, babies just LOVE Olya!! Nate sat on Olya's lap about half an hour or so and he was quite happy!!
While I was at Jackie's, I totally forgot about my Sciatica and Parkinson's.  That was such a great thing.  As soon as I left and walked out to my car, my sciatica was in full bloom! I can't believe that  I forgot about my sciatica!! I think I need to steal Nate, he must be my cure!! Everyone at the party made a big deal about Olivia graduating Cosmetology school.  They were all excited for her and proud of her and congratulated her! Jackie, Bill, and Carol gave Olivia a graduation card and a generous gift! 
    Bonnie and I chatted about her job.  She went to school with Amy. They were friendly and knew each other but hung in different crowds. I forgot that Bonnie is 37, she looks 25.  Amy would be 37 on June 2nd this year. That is so hard for me to imagine.  Bonnie told me that her birthday is June 1st and she said, Amy is June 2nd, right?  I always remember her  birthday because I am June 1st and she is June 2nd."  That meant a lot to me that she said that.  I was very touched that she mentioned Amy's name.
Jackie's cat!
                                                      Nate and his mom Bonnie, and Jackie and Bill in the back 

Tonight is Book Club and I am excited about going. I had to read a summary of the book because I read it a month ago and I forgot a lot of it.(old brain cells here).  Dan, Olivia, Olya, and Frankie are going to the movies to see the Captain Marvel movie! Of course, Dan paid for the tickets and will pay for the snacks at the movies!
 Olya, Bonnie and Nate the Cutie!!
Olivia, Nancy and Olya


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