Still SO Sad ABout My Girlfriend's Death

         I am still so sad about losing my girlfriend Roe. She was so nice and so sweet. It always amazes one second and gone the next!  I have no idea why she had to die. Maybe she is happier in Heaven with her son, but I still wanted her here. I guess that sounds selfish but I think she was too young to die at age 60.  If there is a Heaven, I really hope she is with Amy too! If I get an opportunity to go to a decent psychic( if there are any),I hope she comes through. My  best friend Priscilla, who clinically died twice and has done a past life regression, says she KNOWS there is an afterlife.
          Today I was walking around in my kitchen holding onto the counters. I have a center island… So I walked to the kitchen with my walker and then walked in the kitchen holding onto the counters while cleaning the sink and cleaning the counters. All of a sudden I felt weak and saw my walker was at the other end of the kitchen...…...NOT TOO BRIGHT OF ME!!! I don't know why I think I can function without my walker because I can't!  Maybe the new neurologist I am seeing next week will give me stronger meds. My friend LuAnn, a speech therapist, who I use to work with sent me a video about how important it is to ride bikes and dance for Parkinson people.  She said it is like a stutterer who can sing fluently without stuttering. It makes a lot of sense so I will maybe get a stationary bike! It's the pedaling that seems to improve motor functions.  When I am out in the world and see normal people getting out of their cars and just walking into a store or Post Office, I think to myself, do they know how lucky they are to just want to walk and be able to do it??  When I am out with my friends and just sitting and chatting, I forget that I have Parkinson's! But as soon as I get up, it reveals itself! I never realized how nice it is to just have good health!
           I am supposed to go to a Parkinson's support meeting tonight but I just don't feel that well.  I really wanted to go but there is always next month. I think it is always beneficial to be around people like yourself. I also have a bereaved parent meeting tonight but I am going to have to pass on that too!

I have wonderful family and friends, I get a decent amount of sleep, I use to exercise two or three times a week at the gym, I don't eat the best or worst diet, I eat tons of fruit and vegetables and I rarely eat red meat, and I deal with my stress. So I don't know why I have poor health. I don't drink or smoke or use drugs.  I have had breast cancer, and have Parkinson's now!      


  1. You've had a lot of suffering, Colleen and lots of challenges. It's all very stressful. The brain gets exhausted trying to deal with so much in a lifetime.

    So, rest now in these early days of diagnosis.


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