BACK TO Using my Walker, SO FRUSTRATED!!!

           I am back to using my walker. There is no rhyme or reason to my Parkinson's disease symptoms.  I am so upset about it.  I fell twice and I am so annoyed.  My mind keeps thinking I can get better, but I know that will not happen!  I thought the meds would even out my symptoms but I think I need stronger doses of my medication. I am seeing a new neurologist at the end of the month, he is supposedly a movement specialist, I can't wait to see him.
        I got assessed at the gym for the Rock Steady Boxing classes. I have to start at the lowest level because I still need my walker.  Or I can do PT at the gym because I have a slip to do PT.  I will just see how I do at the first boxing class next week.
        My friend Nancy is sending flowers to the family of our friend Roe who recently passed away. I am still so shook up about her death. She missed our bereaved moms meeting this past Wed. because she said she didn't feel well and was starting a new round of antibiotics for a sinus infection.  She died the next night of medical complications.  I am still in shock.  Roe was the sweetest person ever. I am glad she is with her son Steven now but I wasn't ready to lose her as a friend.  I don't think any of us are ever ready to lose a loved one unless they live in excruciating pain.


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