An increase of half a Levodopa changed my entire condition(at least for today)

My neurologist, who is a Parkinson's specialist, increased my carbidopa-levodopa by a half tablet three times a day. I had seen another neurologist in Jan who wasn't sure what I had but prescribed levodopa.  I take one 25/100 mg tablet and a half tablet which is 12.5 mg I guess.  So now, instead of taking 75 mg a day, I am taking 112.5.  IT HAS MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE in my walking, which is my main problem!!!! I started the increase in dosage yesterday.  My neurologist said it might help or I might not feel any different at all. This morning, I got up, took my meds, and started cleaning my bathroom. I forgot I had Parkinson's!  I dyed my gray roots, showered and dressed. I had to use my shower chair because I close my eyes when I rinse off the hair dye and I was afraid I'd fall.  But I didn't feel wobbly or off balance at all.  I didn't use my walker at all!  I kept it near me, like a safety net, just in case I needed it but I didn't.  When I went downstairs, I forgot to get my downstairs walker.  I did a two step shuffle here and there but other than those few steps, my walking was just fine!!! My husband was shocked because he has not seen me walk without a walker or without any pain for months and months!! Maybe it's a fluke, but hey, I'll take it!!  Dan and I went out and ran a few errands to CVS, the bank, and we looked at a few ranch houses for sale!! If my walking stays like this, maybe we don't have to move for awhile. I love my house and would love to stay here for a year or two.  Olya is a sophomore in college and I'd like her to live in this house until she graduates if at all possible.
         My longtime and forever friend Mary called me this morning to see what the neurologist said at my appointment.  I love Mary.  She is so nice and thoughtful.  Her daughter Zoey is pregnant with Mary's first grandchild,  and my other longtime and forever friend Joanne and I are helping with the baby shower. We are so excited!  Mary and I will let Joanne lead the way and we will follow!! We will get together the day before and make some of the food and decorations. I can't wait because Joanne and Mary are two of my favorite people to spend time with!
         Dan and I went to visit Renee and Adam today. I didn't use my walker and they were both shocked! They thought I looked great(talking about my walking condition here, not my old lady body), I don't think they have seen me without a walker since Oct or Nov of last year!  My daughter Renee, who is a PA, is actually the one who diagnosed me with Parkinson's before anyone else. After spending time with them, we left and went to Target and Wegman's.  I had to hold onto a shopping cart in both places but I didn't need my walker!  I started to wane a bit when we were food shopping and I started doing the two or three step shuffle but I made it through the checkout and out to the car!
        My close friend Debbie's best friend Dawn is in the hospital and needs bypass surgery on Monday.  So if anyone reading this can say a prayer for Dawn and for Debbie(because she needs to stay strong for Dawn), it would be greatly appreciated! I love Debbie so much, I would not have made it after losing Amy without her.  Her son Pete, age 17, died the same year as Amy. My other friend Deb's step daughter has cancer, so please say a prayer for her too if you are the prayerful type. I love Deb, she loved me even when I was in an atheist funk after Amy died and she never judged me about it.
      I HOPE I FEEL LIKE THIS TOMORROW, but even if I don't, I am so thankful for today. Thank you Lord for today. And please take good care of my friend Roe who I am hoping is with my daughter Amy and all the other children in my bereaved mom's group. in heaven. And my sciatica is almost gone!!!


  1. I have Parkinson's have had it or was diagnosed in 05 about to have my battery changed for 3rd time (DBS) would love to be in group


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