Another Random act of Kindness

         Today I feel better.  I guess the symptoms of Parkinson's are better on some days so I will try to focus on the positive. I joined a few online support groups and chatted with a few people. Some people have had Parkinson's for years and their cognitive functions have not been impaired!  One man told me that he has had it for 3 years and has hallucinations every night.  I hope that doesn't happen to me!
        Dan and I went and looked at new townhouses today  I wanted to buy one and put in an elevator but they said it is against township  ordinances.  That shocked me, it sort of sounds like a prejudice against disabled people. I guess I will have to buy a ranch house and gut it. I know that I want the entire room to be open except for bedroom and bathrooms!
         Below is a letter we received from someone who participated in the random act of kindness in Amy's memory.

        Hi Colleen and Dan,  I wanted to let you know that I took one of your envelopes last week to do a random act of kindness.  Honestly I forgot about it until I was driving to Manayunk one early evening.  There was a young homeless man on the bridge and I recalled your desire for Amy and I called him over to my car when stopped at the red light and gave him the five dollars.  The funny thing is that he gave me the most beautiful and angelic smile!  I totally did not expect to receive a blessing in return but he looked at me with incredible compassion!  So I think your random act of kindness blessed two people.  Thanks for providing the opportunity to participate!
And may the Lord continue to bless and comfort you in your great memories and love for Amy.


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